• Authors: The Blog accepts submissions from both the students and the professionals.
  • Nature of Submissions: The articles shall be analytical in nature expressing opinions or offering critiques on the legal and inter-disciplinary issues.
  • Co-authorship: The submissions can be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.
  • PlagiarismThe submission should reflect the original and unpublished work of the author(s). The Blog however permits a maximum similarity index of 15% and in no case a submission shall exceed this permissible limit.
  • Word-Limit: The submissions shall ideally range between 1000 to 1500 words. This word limit is exclusive of the endnotes and any explanatory notes. The Blog, however, accepts submissions exceeding this word limit if it is deemed necessary in the light of the issue at hand.
  • FormatAll submissions shall be made in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format. The submission should adhere to the following formatting style: Font: Bookman Old Style; Font Size: 12; Line spacing: 1.5; Margin: 1 inch from all sides; Alignment: Justified.
  • Citation: All relevant sources which are available as open-source documents such as judgments, laws, reports, articles, and other sources shall be provided as hyperlinks within the main text of the document itself. However, where a source is not available as an open-source document, the same shall be cited by providing an endnote instead of a footnote. All endnotes shall adhere to the uniform Bluebook 20th Edition citation style. For Endnotes the following formatting style shall be adhered to: Font: Bookman Old Style; Font size: 10; Line spacing: 1 and Alignment: Justified.
  • Anonymity: The author shall maintain anonymity throughout the article and shall not disclose his/her name, institution’s name, or any other information that identifies the author in the file containing the article. Failing to do so will lead to immediate rejection of the submission.
  • Penalty: The Blog follows a detailed double-blind review process which starts right after the receipt of the manuscript. Therefore, the manuscript must not be under review by any other platform at the time of submission. Non-adherence to this rule shall result in a ban on publishing on the Blog for a period of six months.
  • Timeline: After receiving the article, the Blog generally takes 2 weeks to communicate its decision. It might, however, take us longer in exceptional circumstances.
  • Copyright: Upon acceptance of the submission by the Blog, the copyright over the manuscript shall be vested with the Blog. The Blog also reserves the right to share publication posts on the Blog’s social media pages with due credit to the author.
  • Queries: In case of any queries, please mail us at

Submission Process

All submissions shall be made by filling out the Google Form. Please note that the name of the file must not contain the name of the author.


The Blog accepts submissions on a rolling basis.